Wooden vs. UPVC fascia and cladding
Wooden vs. UPVC fascia and cladding
If your old wooden fascia are beginning to look tired, damaged and worn then you’ll probably have a headache as to whether you replace them with new wooden ones or opt for UPVC plastic ones. Both kinds of cladding and fascia have their benefits, but it’s important to choose the option that’s right for you.Appearance
One of the most important factors for many people when choosing cladding and fascia is what it will look like. You could argue that the organic look and feel of painted wooden cladding beats its UPVC counterpart on the appearance stakes, but it’s not necessarily the case. With so many colours and variations of UPVC cladding available you can find one to suit the feel of your house. Imitation wood cladding is becoming extremely popular and it’s often hard to tell the difference from the street.Maintenance
The work that goes into maintaining wooden cladding is far more arduous than its UPVC counterpart. You will likely have to paint the cladding every couple of years to maximise its lifespan and maintain its appearance, a job which alone can cost a significant sum. With UPVC the maintenance is far more straightforward if indeed it requires any at all. If the fascia get dirty, all it needs it a simple wipe clean. This can normally be carried out by a window cleaner which is a much smaller outlay.Lifespan
The lifespan of wooden cladding depends on the preventative maintenance measures carried out on the timber. It’s also worth considering how open the wood has been to the elements; if it has been subject to a lot of rain this will considerably reduce its lifespan and will eventually cause the wood to rot. UPVC is much harder wearing due to its waterproof characteristics and will not usually need any maintenance at all throughout its lifespan. Any damage that does occur to the UPVC panels will usually be repaired fairly easy by simply fitting a new panel.The result
Whilst wooden cladding offers a more classic look, the benefits of using UPVC far outweigh the benefits of using wood. By using UPVC you’ll also be protecting the existing woodwork and maintaining your property long term. What’s more, with the various colour and design options available you won’t even have to skimp on the appearance too much.Wragg Roofing are experts when it comes to installing and repairing UPVC guttering and fascia. You can find out more about the full list of roofing services across our site or contact 0114 2362333 for a quote.